Bat Archaeological Evidence
Psalm 85:11 truth shall sprin out the earth –Rev 12:16
Dighton Rock
Berkley, Massachusetts l
Decolog stone
Los lunas New Mexico
Bat Creek inscription
Loudon County, Tennessee
Holy Stone
New wark Ohio key stone
The Assyrian Tablet
Presented by Chief Joseph Of the Nez perez tribe
In the Grand Canyan, Porto Rico, Central America and South America
800 artifacts with Paleo Hebrew writing in Porto Rico
Historical Literary Records
Origin of the Native American Indian by Lee huddleston
Archives Of Aboriginal Knowledge BY Henry R. Schollcraft
10 tribes of Israel BY Barbara Ann Simone
History of The Indies of New Spain By Frair Diego Duran
Lost Tribes and Promise lands By Ronald Sanders
Open Vains By Edwardo Galiano
1491 Charles C. Mann
Encyclopedia of Slave resistance and rebellion By Juniusp Rodriguez
Chistopher Columbus and the Participation of the Jews by Meyer Kaserling
The book of Mormon –
Yahawahshi came in his glorified form Quetzalcoatl is the plumed serpent seraphim in the bible
Isaiah 6:2-7 Num 21:6-9 john3:14
History of Northern Kingdom
Native American Origins
Psalms 106:34-42 cultural synthesis
Judges 3: 14 CHINK, asian ,
2nd Esdras13:40-45 Arsereth & psalms 107: 23-30 & zech 10:10-11, rev 6:8 4th part of the world
1kings 10:22 Solomon’s boats
2kings 21:6 Aztec pyramids
Genesis 49:14 strong ass,- Proverbs 30:19 The way
1 sam 9:3,4,& 20 The lost asses (3day)
Gen30:14-18 name man for hire
1st Chronicles 12:32 Aztec calendar
Mathew 11:12 kingdom suffer violence
Lamentations4:18 They Hunt our step
Lamentations5:2,9 Our Inheritance is turn over to strangers
Hose 7:8 cake not turned
Psalms 83:3 hidden ones
Geneses 37: 3 Joseph’s coat of many colors
Jeremiah 12:9 speckled bird
Genesis 30:32 speckled and spotted sheep
2nd Esdras 2:18 divers fruit
Gen30:10-11 name
Gen49:19 prophecy
Gen48:5 addoption
Num15:38, 24:5 fringes
Deuteronomy 22:12, fringes
Deuteronmy 33:20 scalping-Hosea 7:11 Silly dove-Lam5:1-4 reservations-Mathew 21:43- kingdom stolen-Romens9: adoption
Mathew 13:24 wheat and the tares-Parable of the laborers Mathew 20:

Black Cannainites
Judah’s wife Gen 38:1

Mystery Babylon Rev 17:3 rev 17:18 Babylon the city
Jeremaiah 50:3 (oppressed together)
Jeremiah 50:4 (same place)
Jeremaiah 3:18 nk sk shall walk together

Colonizers and resistance
AD 1493: Spanish settlers enslave the Taíno of Hispaniola
Spain founds Santo Domingo, the first of many towns on the Caribbean island Hispaniola (now the location of Haiti and the Dominican Republic). Spanish colonists force the Native Taíno people, on pain of death, to perform almost all labor on the island.
Christopher Columbus, who needs to demonstrate the wealth of the New World after finding no gold, loads his ship with enslaved Taíno people. During the next four decades, slavery contributes to the deaths of 7 million Taíno. By 1535, the Taíno culture on Hispaniola is gone.
Mexicans are Hebrew Israelites
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